Hi there, I’m Jesus!

I'm a Product Designer with a background in Marketing and Experience Design passionate about creating engaging and intuitive designs through effective visual solutions.

I’ve always been driven by my natural curiosity for how things work and my passion for problem-solving through design. I deeply enjoy meeting new people, gaining new perspectives from individuals with distinct backgrounds and experiences, and expanding my outlook on the world.

As a designer, I strive to approach each challenge with an open mind and put people at the center of all my design processes.

My previous experience designing events for a large tech company established my ability to work under high pressure, as well as fuel my love for community and connecting with others. This experience taught me how to come up with innovative ideas to engage users, deepen my understanding of user needs, and better translate insights into thoughtful and memorable experiences.

When I’m not designing, I like riding my bike around the city, food-hunting, watching new films, and exploring new hikes. ⛰ 

Let’s chat!